iiit’s wordpress

I’ve spent a pretty long time over the last … several years thinking about how to set up a static site generator in a way to make it convenient for me to draft up and publish posts. part of the problem is that I want to it to be really easy to insert screen clippings, sometimes with annotations, from my clipboard. considering how to do that within the framework of markdown posts & static site generation is one of the things i was overthinking and got stuck on.

it probably would be no big deal if I was OK with colocating images beside markdown files and linking to them, but I’m not. that feels like too much fiddling.

now check this out

i drew that in paint and copy/pasted it directly into wordpress. and more importantly I didn’t have to think at all about how to do it. nice

this is actually important to me, because I like to make use of annotated screen clippings when describing things, and the relative difficulty of doing that for a website ended up preventing me from writing anything at all.

also, the wordpress block editor is way more capable than the editor that was available when I last tried to use wordpress around 2012. it’s nice to have a bunch of capabilities available without having to build them myself first.

now, i’m gonna go actually write some posts.